AUTC Half Term Message
Week 20th October 2023
Principal’s Message – Joe
“What a fantastic first half term at Aylesbury UTC! Our new year 10 and 12 students have settled in fantastically and have already started to show real promise on their studies on computing, health and core. Our students have also benefited from the continued support from our employer partners such as:
Reminiscence cafe organised by Home Instead
Occupational Therapy workshop, organised by Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Career insights lecture organised by CISCO
Aylesbury Skillbase Project, organised by CloudyIT
Visit from a Paediatric Nurse from Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Students working with VSK Test Solutions on PCB design
Visit to Fremantle Trust offices
Extra curricular industry qualifications from CISCO
What an inspiring place to work and for our students to learn! I hope all our students and parents have a very well earned break. I can’t wait to return after half term.”
Computing Department message – Daniel
“The term has whizzed past. Our new Year 10 and 12 students have settled in and began work on various projects. The Year 12 went off on a residential NCS trip for the last week of term.

We are proud of some of the work experience opportunities our students have achieved with some very big-name reputable tech companies. The Year 10 have been looking at Interface design and created some amazing prototypes.
We wish all the students a restful half-term.”
Health and Social Care department message – Tom
” Well, that was a very quick half term. We welcomed a new cohort of Health and Social Care students alongside our returning ones.
This year so far has seen our new year 10 students settle in well and enjoy the full use of our Health and Social Care suite. They have been learning about all things person-centred care and how effective communication can impact a service user. One particular highlight was a fantastic visit from Collette, a Paediatric Nurse. She gave the students a talk about the importance of good communication and then used our suite to get them to demonstrate communication skills when taking observations.
Our year 11’s returned with renewed enthusiasm for the year and recently hosted members of our local community for our first ever Reminiscence Cafe, in partnership with our employer sponsor Home Instead. This event allowed the students to demonstrate and practise their communication skills with people who they have never met. They have also been working hard on preparing a Public Health campaign to be delivered after the half term. This I am very much looking forward to.
Finally, we have a brilliant group of year 12 T-Level students. They have been learning a great deal about policies, procedures and safety within the health and social care sector. This has been in combination with an excellent visit to the Fremantle Trust offices, who hosted the group and went through the important policies that they are governed by. We also had the pleasure of Paula (an Occupational Therapy Assistant), come in to discuss with the group her role and the work she does with young people.
So, a very busy first term indeed. We are looking forward to more engagements with our employer partners next term. Including visits from members of Public Health, Home Instead, BHT and am exciting trip to the Stoke Mandeville Hospital.
Have a restful half term and take care.”